The Bailey College of the Environment is a true multidisciplinary program connecting students, faculty, and ideas from across academic departments through discussions about environmental issues. Our Bailey COE faculty members hail from departments and programs across Wesleyan, including government, history, art, dance, computer science, English, philosophy, environmental science, biology, African American studies, physics, classical studies, chemistry, Science in Society, theater, religion, economics, archaeology, and more. Click here for a list of current Bailey COE faculty members.
learn more about our bailey coe faculty:
- students engage in classroom-to-island program
- envs students make difference in local community
- grammy-winner coss joins coe think tank
- haddad book focuses on enviro politics in east asia
- bryant explores intersection of science and art
- coe’s allison orr launches new book
- coe student-faculty research funds allow o’neil to study connection between pesticides, als
- meet bailey visiting scholar janice nimura
- christine caruso: exploring the nexus between food, health, justice & the environment
- oteiza: dancing with and learning from trees
- pearl’s ocean filibuster explores human-ocean relationship
- options for action: students creating change
- intro to enviro studies students serve the community
- abrell brings animal instincts to coe
- diver maps out her future at the coe
- gary yohe leaves lasting legacy at wesleyan
- machado-allison teaches first-ever envs course taught in spanish
- poulos receives $300k nasa research grant
- chernoff’s research inspires new music
- economist raynor joins coe faculty
- fullilove examines red lists of threatened species
- o’connell explores cryosphere growth and demise
- meet our 2020 think tank faculty
- zooarchaeologist brunson joins coe faculty
- mountaineer byers joins coe as visiting Bailey prof
- faculty-student grant program supports o’connell’s antarctic research
- raynor seeks to illuminate illegal and small-scale fishing
- sher ’07, students seek to improve material development through understanding electron transport
- poulos, detre ’22 explore big bend dataset
- meet our 2019 think tank faculty
- visiting scholar byers champions wetland conservation
- stewart explores tipping points in annual earth week rant
- o’neil, kulick ’21 & park ’22 collaborate on als research
- poulos’s intro envs course engages wes students
- conservation biology with michael singer
- sustainable agriculture with rosemary ostfeld ’10
- kim, nir ’19, Esposito ’20 collaborate on sound calendar
- versey, ritter ’19 explore environmentally induced displacement with coe faculty-student research grant
- poulos researches fire effects in arizona
- chernoff’s envs197 students collaborate with physical plant workers
- weil delivers “beastly” keynote
- oteiza publishes street theater research
- quijada publishes new book