gay ’20 pursues urban planning path

Jessica GayJessica Gay ’21 is working toward her MS in Community and Regional Planning at the University of Texas at Austin and as the Community Development and Revitalization Intern at Texas General Land Office. She graduated from Wesleyan with a BA in environmental studies and biology.

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pinkus ’21 supports volunteerism at us forest service

Andrei PinkusAndrei Pinkus ‘21 is a communications and data support resource assistant at the US Forest Service. During his time at Wesleyan, Andrei was a recipient of a 2020 COE Summer Research Fellowship. He graduated with a BA in government and environmental studies.

Why did you choose to be an environmental studies (ENVS) linked major here at Wes?
I’ve always had a passion for environmental issues. Even as a kid I was aware of the negative ways humans influence the environment; I made a habit of turning off lights, taking shorter showers, and never wasting food. So, in that way, I suppose I’ve always been environmentally conscious. Only at Wesleyan, through my ENVS classes, did I realize just how intersectional (and important) the field was. The environment is everything, and without it we have nothing. Although it sometimes feels like an impossible quest, I want to dedicate my career to doing whatever is possible to make the world at least just a little better than when I came into it. That’s why I chose to be an ENVS major.

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atlas of the invisible explores hidden patterns

Atlas of the InvisibleOn February 2, 2022, the College of the Environment hosted Atlas of the Invisible: Maps and Graphics that Will Change How You See the World, via zoom, featuring speakers James Cheshire and Oliver Uberti. Cheshire is a professor of geographic information and cartography in London, and Uberti is a designer who helps scientists translate their data into memorable visuals. The duo authored a book of the same name, Atlas of the Invisible (W.W. Norton, 2021), filled with data maps that visualize important issues and tell valuable stories about our planet. The Chicago Tribune called the book, “A cartographer’s dream, and often revelatory.”

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geographer diver joins coe faculty

Kim DiverThe COE shares faculty from across departments and programs at Wesleyan, including government, history, art, dance, computer science, English, philosophy, environmental science, biology, African American studies, physics, classical studies, chemistry, Science in Society, theater, religion, economics, archaeology, and more.  Kim Diver is an associate professor of the practice in earth and environmental sciences here at Wesleyan and the founder and director of WesGIS. Her research focuses on island biogeography.

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meet our 2022 envs linked majors!

Environmental Studies (ENVS) is a linked major, meaning all ENVS majors have a primary major in another department (so linked equals more, not less). Our ENVS class of 2022 includes 27 students across 14 different primary majors, from chemistry to film studies, from economics to English, from psychology to government. Learn more, below!

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eco designer lindsay ’05 finds her happy place

Rachel Lindsay
Rachel Lindsay ‘05 is an ecological designer, artist, and local food advocate. She is a worker-owner at Regenerative Design Group, a small firm based in Western Massachusetts. Rachel holds an MS in ecological design from The Conway School and a BA in anthropology from Wesleyan. As a Wes student, she was one of the founders of Long Lane Farm!

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