Ezkoktin Tlalli (Veins of Earth), an exhibit by art studio and environmental studies major Nélida Samara Zepeda Mendoza ’23 will take place from April 25-30 at the Zilkha Gallery here on campus. An opening reception will be held on Wednesday, April 26 from 4 to 6 pm. Learn more about Samara’s work!
Nelida Samara Zepeda ’23
zepeda ’23: from “wild idea” to successful event
I met Snow Raven after Wesleyan’s shift to remote learning during the spring of my freshman year in 2020. Living and studying at my parent’s home, a tiny house by the Russian River in California, amongst nine other beings who inhabit the home, was not a sustainable option for me. With no room to myself, or privacy, there was simply no space for me to cultivate a healthy learning environment, one of the biggest reasons why I chose to travel 3,000 miles away from home to study in Middletown, Connecticut. Having already built community and relationships in Maui, Hawai’i, during my year off before university, I decided to take a leap of faith. I reached out to some friends, packed a bag, and moved back to the Island.