2025 summer fellowship app now closed!

The Bailey College of the Environment (COE) Research Fellowship Program allows current Wesleyan undergrads to undertake research on environmental topics under the guidance of a faculty mentor, either during the summer or during fall or spring semesters. Projects must relate to any of the broad themes covered by Environmental Studies and the Bailey COE. Fellowships are available to current Wesleyan juniors, sophomores and first-years, regardless of major, and may be undertaken at Wesleyan or anywhere in the world.

  • Application now closed!

Full summer research fellows will receive a total of $5000. Partial summer & fall or spring fellowships, also available. Deadline for all: February 24!

COE summer fellows find themselves while exploring the world

Last year, the Bailey COE awarded almost 40 fellowships to Wes students to pursue research opportunities on campus, across the country, and abroad. Learn more about the summer experiences of (from top left): Zoe Todd ’27, Kallan Tripician ’27, Ronan Costello ’25 (AMST, ENVS), Sadie Woodruff ’26 (BIOL, E&ES), Constance Hirwa (NS&B, PSYC), Ava Yuanshun Guralnick ’25 (AMST, ENGL), Jasmine Fridman ’25 (E&ES, STS), & Jeet Patel ’25 (E&ES), below!

Applications for summer 2025, fall 2025 and spring 2026 Bailey COE fellowships are open now! Apply by February 24!

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hundreds gather for pumpkin fest 2024

Hundreds of Wesleyan and greater Middletown community members gathered under sunny skies on Saturday, October 26, 2024, at Long Lane Farm, to enjoy Pumpkin Fest 2024, which featured live music, free food, a pie-eating contest, tours of the farm, craft activities, and vendors. Check out photos, by Laurie Kenney and Sophie Jager, below!

congrats to our envs class of 2024!

A huge congratulations to our unstoppable class of 2024, formerly the class of 2020, aka, the covid class, for making it through…and finishing with flying colors!! Bella Barocas, Mira Begg, Dylan Campos, Ishani Dave, Ella Doherty, Sloane Dzhitenov, Lia Franklin, Madeline Frew, Danielle Garten, Andie Glanzer, Debbra Goh, Madisyn Gomez, Marangela James, Sachita Jariwala, Joshua Kleiman, Kiran Kling, Paul Kraut, Jasmine Lam, Amara Leazer, Serena Levingston, Alberto Lopez, Jessica Luu, Cam McCrystal, Maggie Monaghan, Nerdvens Moreau, Amanda Morris, Meera Nemali, Advait Prasad, Lea Schaffer, Amy Smith, Cole Torino and Katie Yin. Watch the video below to meet our entire class of 2024 — and click on the links in this paragraph, to read more about so many of those amazing new alums!

planet vs. plastic

On a significant day for environmental awareness—Earth Day, April 22—I found myself seated in Usdan 108, engrossed in a compelling panel entitled, “Planet vs. Plastic: Breaking Free of a Deadly Convenience?” The event, hosted by the Bailey College of Environment, featured a panel of Wesleyan faculty and community members dedicated to unraveling the complexities of plastic pollution and its ramifications on our planet. As I reflect on the insights shared during the event, I realize the urgency of addressing this global crisis and the imperative need for collective action.

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a musical conversation with harry wu

What lessons can we learn from the writings of a doctor/activist from the Japanese colonial era in Taiwan as we seek to build a world to safeguard the health and wellness of every living being on this planet? Harry Wu and his ensemble members, Taugether, have used music to transform the literary works of Lai Ho (1894-1943), a doctor and activist widely regarded as the father of Taiwan New Literature. Harry performed several songs at Wes earlier this week, including one with associate professor of history Ying Jia Tan.

rooted solidarity: a ct food justice gathering

Rooted Solidarity: A CT Food Justice Gathering, a place for intergenerational knowledge exchange amongst community members engaged in food justice work and people who’d like to learn more! Register here!

Date: April 20th, 2024, 9:30 am – 4 pm
Location: Meriden Public Library (a 5-minute walk from the Meriden Railroad Station)

Hosted by: The Bailey College of the Environment at Wesleyan UniversityThe Conservation Law FoundationThe Foodshed Network, and The CT Food System Alliance

This event is free and open to the public.

¡Te invitamos a Solidaridad enraizada: Un encuentro por la justicia alimentaria de CT, un lugar para el intercambio intergeneracional de conocimientos entre miembros de la comunidad que trabajan en justicia alimentaria y a las personas que quieran aprender más! ¡Regístrate aquí!

Fecha: 20 de abril de 2024, 9:30 am – 4 pm
Lugar: Biblioteca Pública de Meriden (a 5 minutos a pie de la estación de tren de Meriden)

Organizado por: The Bailey College of the Environment at Wesleyan UniversityThe Conservation Law FoundationThe Foodshed Network, y The CT Food System Alliance

Este encuentro es gratuito y está abierto al público.