senior spotlight: mira begg ’24

Hi Mira! Where are you from, and what led you to major in environmental etudies? 
I’m from Lake Tahoe, California. I’m studying economics and environmental studies. I grew up in an outdoor place, and because of this I’ve inherently been interested and connected to the outdoors throughout my life. When I got to college, I didn’t think I wanted to major in environmental studies  at all, but then I took a class called Dynamic Earth, and realized that I actually really did want to pursue the maor. I’ve changed directions completely, which I’m very happy about. I’m much more interested in this major combination than only majoring in economics. 

What are some of your favorite classes? 
My  favorite class was Renewable Energy and Negative Emissions Technologies with Professor Rosemary Ostfeld. I enjoyed it primarily because I’m really interested in  clean energy, the tech startup industry, and carbon sequestration. I like following the new ideas that come from those fields. 

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