senior spotlight: andie glanzer ’24

Hello! How did you decide to major in environmental studies, and what has your experience been as a part of the Bailey COE?
I’m Andie. I am a government and environmental studies major from Long Island, New York. I’ve always had a passion for the environment and nature. In high school, I was really interested in protecting against climate change, so naturally I was drawn to the environmental studies linked major at Wesleyan. When I was in highs chool, I was mostly involved with science research, but I didn’t enjoy it. I was happy that at Wesleyan I could pursue my passion for sustainability while learning about policy and politics related to the environment.

The government and environmental studies combination works well, because as an environmental studies major you learn about major climate problems and solutions, and then the government gives you the tools to implement change. You learn how governments function and how regulatory processes work, and you begin to see that the way people perceive an issue shapes political responses to problems.

What classes have you enjoyed during your time at Wesleyan?
One class I enjoyed was the Environmental Law and Politics class with Professor Earl Phillip. It was probably the most difficult class I’ve taken at Wesleyan, but it was also one of the most rewarding. It introduced me to environmental law and regulations, which is something that I’m interested in pursuing in the future.

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