College of Social Studies major Emma Rose Borzekowski ’19 and philosophy and feminist, gender and sexuality studies double major Selene Canter ’19 set out over winter break to research agriculture in Cuba–to learn what farming looks like in one of the few remaining socialist states. The research trip was funded by a grant from the College of the Environment.
Laurie Kenney
may in april
May Klug ’19 in April. The morning of her thesis defense. At Long Lane Farm, tending the greens. A senior music and American studies major, May volunteers 10 to 12 hours/week at the student-run farm, and was a member of last fall’s Pumpkin Fest committee (where she performed). This winter and spring she’s devoted her time to giving the summer greens a good head start. She’s particularly proud of the peas.
ostfeld ’10, envs students meet with ct lawmakers
Visiting Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies (and Wes alum) Rosemary Ostfeld, PhD ’10 and her students from ENVS344 / Renewable Energy and Negative Emission Technologies joined with members of the Connecticut League of Conservation Voters (CTLCV) on a visit the state capitol in Hartford earlier this month. Environmental studies majors in the group included Caroline Sgaglione ’19, Catherine Xi ’21 & Maggie Humphrey ’21. While there, Ostfeld and her students discussed renewables, green technologies, and the importance of making the environment a priority with State Reps Michael Winkler & Quentin Phipps and fellow Wesleyan University alums State Senator Matthew Lesser ’08 and State Rep Mike Demicco ’80.
coexist t-shirts: now available

Our first-ever small-batch coexist t-shirts, handcrafted with eco-love. Made with conventionally grown cotton in a zero-waste facility, using 60% less water in production than standard tees (even higher than organic) and printed with eco-friendly inks by Middletown’s own cinder + salt, our soft and stretchy coexist t-shirts are free for our current environmental studies majors with a limited quantity available for $10/each for anyone else! Email me for more info!
poulos researches fire effects in arizona
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies Helen Poulos traveled to Arizona in March 2019 to research fire effects of the 2018 Pinery Canyon Fire on agaves in the Chiricahua Mountains. Poulos is working on the project in collaboration with Wes astronomy major Hunter Vannier ‘20.
While in the Grand Canyon State, Poulos also spent time researching the effects of the 2017 Frye Fire on mixed conifer forests of the Pinaleño Mountains, a project in collaboration with Dr. Don Falk at University of Arizona.
sunrise shines light on the green new deal
Wes students & faculty learned about the Green New Deal at a Town Hall event here on campus–one of hundreds of events organized nationwide by Sunrise Movement, cofounded by COE alum Evan Weber ‘13. Last night’s event, organized by WesDivest and Wesleyan Climate Action Group and cosponsored by the COE, featured Sunrise Movement rep Lauren Maunus, a senior at Brown U studying enviro science with a focus in environment & inequality. Lauren is on the leadership team of the Energize RI Coalition and the RI Green New Deal Research Council, and helped start Sunrise RI.